The Women Bikers’ Association is a group of female motorcyclists and motorcycle enthusiasts drawn from all walks of life. The association was conceived in October 2013 as a forum for lady riders to support and learn from each other and network in a safe, secure environment. We have shared and learnt so much and we continue to grow as an association.

The association strongly advocates for safe riding: All the gear all the time (ATGATT). We ensure all our members follow traffic rules and encourage respect of all road users through regular training sessions in various aspects such as Mechanics, First Aid and safe riding skills. We believe in pushing boundaries while continuing to set its sights higher in order to benefit our members and the greater motorcycling community.". We seek to be an encouragement to young women and men out there to follow their hearts and live their dreams.

Our Purpose

• To help build a thriving lady biker community and create platforms for female bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts.

• To support growth and safety in riding through training to enhance riding skills, knowledge and safety.

• To create a movement of women in motorcycling through participation of social impact related events.

• To be an authority on information and knowledge on best practices and quality biking equipment for women riders.

• To build thriving partnerships that would help influence and increase visibility of our work.